But the evening with the Maccas happened months into our year when we were really missing civilization, (and hamburgers.) I need to go back to the beginning, to our first insane week. The week we got lost in the bush... We'd driven 20 minutes down a dirt track to the bore pump, (our only source of water besides a tanker.) Terry, serviced it, (don't forget, he'd fixed a generator a few days before,) then we decided to go back via a water hole we'd heard about. We found the water hole alright, down an even smaller dirt track, and it was amazing. Afgans used to water their camels there. We sat on the rocks drinking Bundy and Coke feeling like we were the only people on earth then we set off down an even smaller track that supposedly led back to the highway. Ten minutes down the track the bush got really dense and the track was almost impossible to see. Twilight didn't last long under the canopy and pretty soon Terry had to turn the lights on. Five minutes later, when it was completely dark, the lights failed...